Gilead, by Marilynne Robinson (book #42) was a real surprise. After the depressing (but good) Housekeeping, I wasn't sure if I wanted to give this one a try. But it was getting great reviews - and won a Pulitzer Prize, so I thought I should give her another chance. I am so glad I did!
The reason my affection for the book surprised me is that the main character, John Ames, is a preacher - and religion is the major topic of the book. He is an old man with a seven year old son, and the book is actually a letter to his son as a form of family legacy.
The book is slow...and because John Ames is old, and the topics he delves into are so deep, the cadence is just right. The writing reminds me of Faulkner - Ames is perfectly written - with a sense of humor, the ability to view himself honestly, and the humanity to struggle with the same questions as the rest of us.
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