Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just to let you know

That we have moved, and I am not keeping this blog up any more. Please feel free to look through the archives, and if you like come see us at

Friday, April 20, 2007

Pileateds were here

Photo courtesy Wild Lands League

I saw two Pileated Woodpeckers in our woods this week. They were screaming their calls and flying back and forth between a couple of dead trees.

I haven't seen them in a couple of days but I am still hoping that they'll nest nearby.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Excellent Easter

Owen Erica
It was a great weekend with Phil and the kids and Adam and Martha. When we are in Mexico it's not going to be as easy to have this kind of get together so I am really grateful for every time we are able to pull it off! Here are a few pictures...more are on the Pictures page.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Wow, another birthday! Can it be possible that I am 53?

My best friend Jeannie called yesterday and we were remarking about how we have been best friends now for more than 40 years. We met in junior high school, while walking home from school in the same direction. Our friendship has endured so long not just because of shared interests such as books but for many other reasons. The craziness of SF in the sixties, of the loss of a parent, of becoming adults. I love her like crazy.

This morning I'm also thinking about how few people are still around who remember when I was born! Sister Wendy, cousin Chuck, Aunt Jean, Aunt Dolly, and a few others.

We never have figured out why I have two birthdays, either. My whole life up to age 26 I had an April 4 birthday. I loved it, too....4/4/54. But then I sent away for an official copy of my birth certificate and it said April 3. I asked Dad and he couldn't understand why. So the next time I was at Garnie's I asked her. She went and got her birthday book and the strange thing was that she had written my birthday on April 3 and then erased it and wrote it in on April 4. She didn't remember why. So, the mystery continues, and about half the people I know remember my birthday as the 4th and some as the 3rd. Strange, isn't it?

So what am I going to do today? Go to Home Depot, paint, spackle, caulk, work in the garden and later go to dinner at Brix 25.

It's cold this morning but sunny, and I am happy.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

We all have routines, right?

Last night Paul and I had a laugh at my little "habits."

I have a lot of routines, such as swishing the sink out with the sprayer every time I wash anything or always cleaning out the espresso handle after each use. I think most of us have habits like that. Most of them have to do with order and cleanliness I think.

But my night time habits are kind of funny.

Back when I was a little kid my mother repeated this phrase to us when she sent us upstairs to get ready for bed..."wash your face, brush your teeth, go to the toilet, and get in bed."

So here I am, fifty years later unable to skip even one item on that list. I promise you I have to get up and use the toilet even if I don't have to go in order to settle in and go to sleep. And even if I had taken a shower an hour before, I still have to wash my face. It's amazing to me how ingrained those habits are.

Then, last night I realized I can't go to sleep unless the covers are just right! What is just right? Well, the sheet needs to be pulled up and folded over the comforter. Doesn't everyone do that?

So, now you know. I think I had better go wash my hands. Again. And again. (just kidding)