Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Black Dogs Update

There has been lots of activity at the Black Dog Farm lately, most of it revolving around having a puppy in the house. Our former relaxed schedule is now focused on the little guy and the status of his (ahem) "doing his business." But he is a delight, and the liveliness and cheer he brings to the house is really a treat.

We spent a fair bit of time this weekend puppy-proofing the fence so that he could romp in the yard with Lucy and Angus without us being in attendance every moment. So this morning after they ate all of them went out to "do their business." I was preparing the birds breakfast in the kitchen when the little scamp came up onto the deck! I have no idea how he managed to get through, but I guess it means we'll be out there tonight trying to figure it out!

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