Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fall or Winter, Take Your Pick...

Saturday there was a crazy wind and rain storm that was so crazy and wild I went outside to take a picture of the insanity. The rain was bouncing up it hit so hard! So after taking the picture above I came inside and noticed that the lights were off. So we lit a bunch of candles and already had the fireplace going. I brought the birds into the living room to hang out by us and stay warm. Paul and I tried to read. It was hopeless so we got our mp3 players out. I started listening to Laura Esquival's "Malinche." After a couple of hours we headed out to get some dinner, returning just as the lights came on! This morning the rain had stopped for my usual walk with the dogs. We live just a couple of blocks from the water and I just adore seeing the morning from this location. Lucy has a tendency to pull on her leash, so we are using the backpack as a way to give her a "job" and make her less likely to pull. Henry pulls all the time...I need to enroll us in obedience classes, soon! I love the autumn colors and I like this picture of our driveway with Lucy included in the frame.

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