Friday, June 23, 2006

Happy Birthday, Baby!

I've been reading Deepak Chopra lately, and one of the things he says is that your attitude and self-talk about what aging means to you will make all the difference in how you age. Of course we all know that, but it is hard sometimes to quiet the voice that says things like "Oh my god, I am getting old!" or "Many people are infirm by my age" or the like. We need to change the dialog to confirmations of our strength and wisdom and beauty (yes, beauty) in our older selves.

Today is Paul's birthday. He is such a good example of how to age - his attitude is almost always positive. He enjoys a lot of different activities and has never made work the focus of his life. He is proud of his work and has always done a good job and enjoyed himself - but his real life is away from work. I know that's why when retirement comes we will have so much fun - because he won't be moping around wondering what to do with himself. Although, knowing Paul, he'll spend some of his time getting more tattoos!

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